Maths Outdoors

You will have fan-ta-stick time exploring maths outside!

There’s about 90 blog posts with ideas and suggestions to support you to develop your maths provision outside, be this in the early years or primary school. Most are open-ended and can be easily adjusted to the level at which you work.

Note: for some visitors to this website, the photos in each blog post take an age to upload. They will appear. Be patient.

Maths Week Scotland webinar

25 Outdoor Maths Games for Everyone. A range of ideas and games for making maths accessible to all. Below is a brief video with some top tips for getting outside and enjoying maths in a more expansive space.

The Freebies

Useful posts to get you started teaching maths outside

Outdoor number explorations

Outdoor measurement

Outdoor patterns and relationships

Properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects – outside

  • A maths stick picture. A group activity that gets children talking about what they see and notice in different and changing arrangements of sticks.
  • Group masking tape art Exploring shapes within shapes and discussing what we can see within a picture. This is an interdisciplinary activity where the maths is threaded through what is happening. Increase the challenge by asking children to include properties of shapes, e.g. example of parallel lines, intersecting lines, right angles. Thus you can link it tightly to what children need to know.
  • Masking tape shape explorations. This is a similar activity but at an individual level so that the rubbings can be used to explore the environment
  • 2D shape art Very beautiful shapes created from dried leaves and cardboard. Another art project with an element of maths.
  • The mathematics of festive crafts. Creating beautiful 3D objects for hanging up outside or in.
  • Creating 3D skeletons using sticks. Time to practice your lashings to see what structures emerge.
  • An outdoor shape activity with sticks. Creating pictures that evidence a range of shapes and properties of sticks.

Outdoor angles, symmetry and transformations

Handling data outside

  • Daisy footprints. Does the size of your footprint or the place where your boot lands that will flatten the most daisies? Useful open-ended investigation for a range of ages.
  • Information or data handling outdoors. Exploring a range of possibilities with a group of teachers.

Resource-based outdoor maths explorations

Environmental maths explorations

Broader explorations of maths

  • Sketchnoting Capturing maths and other educational thoughts. Examples that include maths concepts. I also advocate teachers showing children how to sketch note so they can do their maths journals using this technique.
  • Can I go on the computer, Mum? A parent’s experience of playing a game and giving her son the opportunity to create a game and change the rules. The outcome was much more positive.
  • Making environmental print meaningful at Stramash Fort William How one outdoor nursery created signs that were personalised and relevant to each child at nursery. It’s about using non-standard measurements to measure distance.
  • Amazing mazes. A wonderful exploration and creation of mazes by a group of P6 children with additional support needs. Thank goodness for brain diversity and creativity.

STEM explorations

Maths celebrations and events

If you are looking for more maths resources and ideas

Leaf Logic

Logic, thinking and strategy activity for learning with leaves.

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